
Are You Looking For a Preschool Program for Your 3-7 Year-Old This Summer? (June 3 – July 25)

Ages 3-4 – This eight-week program (Tues/Wed/Thur 8:45-11:15am) will combine education with gymnastics and fitness. It is just what your child needs to prepare them for the upcoming school year. Our educational preschool offers a well-rounded program with a strict emphasis on academic excellence.  Our curriculum stresses letter recognition, introduction to at least twenty sight words, math story problems, and numeral identification. Students complete basic patterning and rote count to twenty.

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Ages 5-7 –Kindergarten Boot Camp. This eight-week program (Tues/Wed/Thur 12-2:30pm) will combine education with gymnastics and fitness. It is just what your child needs to prepare them for the upcoming school year. We will focus on the beginning, middle, and ending sounds, simple sentence writing, practice site words, and math story problems. This program is perfect for kids going to Kindergarten next fall.

Required for summer registration is the annual membership fee of $39 (if currently due). Children must meet the age requirement (3 years of age) & be toilet trained before the start of school. No supply fee.

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